14 Nov 05

Principles CINews

PRINCIPLE - the source or origin of anything; a general truth, a truth so broad and sweeping that many other truths can be considered offshoots of it

Guiding Principles
Foundational Principles

PIL'GRIM, n. [L. peregrinus. Gu.L. peragro, to wander, palor.]

1. A wanderer; a traveler; particularly, one that travels to a distance from his own country to visit a holy place, or to pay his devotion to the remains of dead saints. [See Pilgrimage.]

2. In Scripture, one that has only a temporary residence on earth. Heb.11.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

PRAYER - I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers,
intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and
for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life
in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight
of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto
the knowledge of the truth. I Tim 2:1-4

ENCOUNTER - And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come. Luk 19:13

Community Calendar (check for updates and future events) We want to be a blessing to our community and support each event by avoiding scheduling conflicts.

Nov 13-19 - American Education Week (reflect on Biblical principles for education)
Nov 15 - City Council Dist 9 Run-off election
Nov 15 - Kent Powderly speaking at Creation Science Fellowship Meeting, Faith Bible at Moon & Central
Nov 17 - Visioning & Creativity for Believers Workshop, Bruce@gracechurchabq.org, 821-8800, associated with the Two-Day TSU Leadership Seminar, Trinity Southwest University
Nov 19 - Purity Ball, Marriott on Louisiana, CareNet, 880-8373
Nov 24 - Thanksgiving Day, Give thanks to God for what He has done! FOF Resources. What are you thankful for? And how can you bring your faith into what you share with your kids, your spouse, your extended family, your co-workers and neighbors? Check out this resource list to find practical advice and touching stories that can help you glorify God as you give thanks this season.
Nov 24-28 - Mexico Missions Trip, Ellis McMath, EllisMcMath@aol.com, 507-3878

UNDERSTANDING - And of the children of Issachar, which were men
that had understanding of the time, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads
of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.
I Chron 12:32

This section has been updated with a link to resource organizations. Anyone finding these organizations helpful, please consider mentioning the Principles Newsletter when contacting them. Thank you.

Principles Newsletter Archives
Roster of NM Govt Officials

Resource Organizations

Principles Community Impact News (CINews) is edited by:
Mark Burton,
Foothills Fellowship, 294-0016, Pager 971-2053
Many thanks to contributing authors and businesses.
Please forward
events/articles/resources to principles@integrity.com.
Current distribution is about 1900 email addresses throughout NM.
If anyone you know would like to receive this newsletter directly
please have them send an email to
principles@integrity.com. Many
links in the text are not reproduced when making paper copies.
It is also available on the web at
www.rges.cc/news.htm and can
be accessed free of charge from any library internet service.
If you are reading this from outside NM, please locate and support
Family Policy Council in your area.